Hexa-X-II Deliverable D3.2 Sets the Stage for 6G Architectural Enablers

Hexa-X-II Work Package 3 (WP3) has released its first public deliverable, D3.2, laying the foundation for 6G architecture enablers. The report goes beyond traditional communication services to explore data-driven architecture and modular cloud-native networks.

Exploring 6G Architectural Enablers

D3.2 serves as a comprehensive guide to the architecture enablers essential for the next generation of networks. The report delves into the rationale and motivation behind these enablers, setting the stage for future deliverables. It provides a detailed analysis of each enabler area, emphasising their critical role in shaping the 6G landscape. 

Towards Efficient and Sustainable Networks

The overarching goal of the architecture enablers discussed in D3.2 is to create networks that are both efficient and sustainable. These enablers are designed to power new services like AI, sensing, and compute offloading. They also aim to enhance network efficiency through modular architecture design and optimise cloud platforms to meet the unique demands of 6G.

D3.2 outlines the key enablers that will be the focus of subsequent research and deliverables in the Hexa-X-II project. 

For a more detailed exploration, please read the full deliverable and check out the accompanying presentation.