Mikko Uusitalo speaking at 6G Symposium Spring 2024, Levi, Finland.

Mikko Uusitalo Outlines Hexa-X-II Vision and Use Cases at 6G Symposium

At the recent 6G SymposiumMikko Uusitalo from Nokia Bell Labs led a detailed presentation on the HEXA-X-II project, Europe’s flagship initiative for 6G development. The project’s overall lead, Uusitalo, described the efforts of the 44-member consortium, which involves significant players like Nokia and Ericsson, operators, technology providers, and academia.

The HEXA-X projects, HEXA-X and its successor, HEXA-X-II, are pivotal in developing 6G technologies. They aim to seamlessly blend the physical, digital, and human worlds. Uusitalo highlighted the creation of digital models representing physical and human elements, which are crucial for managing physical environments. The underlying key values are sustainability, inclusion, and trustworthiness.

HEXA-X-II delves deeper into specific 6G use cases and technological drivers, moving towards pre-standardisation. This stage is crucial for establishing a complete 6G system blueprint for technology prioritisation and rollout timelines.

Immersive Experiences

Mikko Uusitalo emphasised the potential of immersive technologies to enhance human interaction with both digital and physical environments significantly. He explained how these technologies could allow users to experience cultural or sports events more vividly than if they were physically present. For instance, at a football match, viewers could choose perspectives from anywhere in the stadium or even place themselves in a player’s shoes on the field, providing a richer, more engaging experience. This technology will improve the viewer’s experience and open up new possibilities for remote event participation, reducing the need for travel and physical presence.

Environmental Impact Use Cases

Sustainability was a central theme in Uusitalo’s address. He discussed the dual environmental impacts of 6G technologies—highlighting both the positive “handprints” and the negative “footprints”, linking them to broader environmental and social goals set by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

He outlined several use cases, such as cooperating mobile robots, network-assisted mobility, real-time digital twins, ubiquitous networks and human-centric networks.

Despite the many benefits, Uusitalo acknowledged the challenges, such as the increased demand for raw materials needed to build 6G infrastructure and the energy consumption of more robust networks. He stressed the importance of addressing these impacts through sustainable practices and technologies.

The presentation also explored the relationship between technology and its applications, emphasising that technological advancements must meet actual needs to be commercially viable.

Uusitalo concluded with a global overview of 6G development, focusing on national and regional efforts and the critical role of sustainability in shaping future telecom networks.